
Thank you for your trust!

Mutual trust and appreciation strengthen our customer relationships!

Each of our customers approaches us with a certain expectation of quality and places a piece of responsibility in our hands. We are conscious of this responsibility as we head to work every day, not only thinking for our customers but thinking ahead. This foresight is one of the reasons we can look back to relationships with customers since the inception of e-4 Bauchemie GmbH.

ca. 3,000 m²

Humboldt-highschool, Nordhausen

ca. 6,000 m²

110 residential units fpr seniors, Leipzig

ca. 3,800 m²

Apartment complex, Hennigsdorf

ca. 60 m²

Coffee shop König, Oberwiesenthal

ca. 350 m²

Sports- and leisure center, Aue

ca. 3,750 m²

Residential complex Kirschgarten, Halle

ca. 2,000 m²

Office building, Töpen bei Hof

ca. 2,000 m²

Criminal Science and Technical Institute, Sachsen

ca. 1,000 m²

Office building, Leipzig

ca. 25,000 m²

E-shaped residential building, Berlin

ca. 2,000 m²

Linkolnschool, Darmstadt

ca. 6,000 m²

School complex, Leipzig

ca. 4,000 m²

Residential park, Bautzen

ca. 51,000 m²

Dolgensee-Center, Berlin

ca. 300 m²

Smart Press Shop, Halle/Saale

Underlay screed Supermix 2K / top screed Supermix WHITE with design grain

Durlacher Allee, Karlsruhe

ca. 2,600 m²

Day care center, Strausberg

ca. 1,300 m²

Day care center at the Heidekrautbahn, Schildow

ca. 170 m²

Roof garden restaurant in the german parliament, Berlin

ca. 270 m²

Excursion Restaurant Fischerschränke, Sachsenburg

ca. 800 m²

Bio Market, Leipzig

ca. 800 m²

Shell Truck Stop, Rüdersdorf

ca. 100 m²

Museum Fortress, Dresden

ca. 1,000 m²

Castle Het Steen, Antwerpen

ca. 500 m²

Skyper, Frankfurt

ca. 5,000 m²

High School, Leipzig

ca. 275 m²

Saxon State Theater, Dresden

ca. 3,000 m²

Residential Complex "Werk Motor", Leipzig

ca. 825 m²

Viba Nougat-Welt, Schmalkalden

ca. 30,000 m²

Ambulance for Cancer Patients, Köln

ca. 25,000 m²

School Campus, Dresden-Pieschen

ca. 7,000 m²

Housing Fontanehöfe, Hennigsdorf

ca. 10,000 m²

Buwog Neumarien, Berlin

ca. 40,000 m²

Employment Exchange, Köln

ca. 1,700 m²

Road Bike Track, Dudenhofen

ca. 2,500 m²

Store Dustmann, Dortmund

ca. 50,000 m²

Hospital, Neustadt an der Saale

ca. 6,300 m²

Doppelmayr, Wolfurt

ca. 5,200 m²

Meusburger, Lingenau

ca. 3,200 m²

Store of the Wälder, Egg

ca. 2,800 m²

Hotel Hubertus, Au

ca. 800 m²

Fire Stations, Reuthe

ca. 1,350 m²

Primary School, Schwarzenberg

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