Social Commitment

is a must-have in every business!
We understand corporate social responsibility to be ...

The social responsibility we as a company have to ensure sustainable economic activity, including the effects on society.

Our company responsibility contains social, ecological and economic aspects. Examples include fair business practices, staff-oriented personnel policies, economical use of natural resources, protection of climate and environment, responsibility in the supply chain and sincere commitment on site.

e-4 supporting "Hand in Hand" and "Kinder unterm Regenbogen" (2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021)

e-4 sponsored T-shirts to the library Schoppernau (2020)

e-4 supporting "Geben für Leben" (2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017)

e-4 supporting "Tischlein deckt dich" (2016)

e-4 supporting "Special Olympics" (2013-2023)

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